Streetlife: The Future of Urban Retail is a book edited by Conrad Kickert and Emily Talen, published by the University of Toronto Press.
If cities are their streets, and streets are their uses, what do the profound changes in urban retail mean for the future of our cities? Small independent retailers are the life-blood of thriving urban neighborhoods -- what’s keeping them from thriving? What are the roots of their struggles — from market realities to government regulations? What incentives or financing mechanisms have successfully supported neighborhood shops?
The contemporary challenges facing urban retail have unleashed a deep sense of loss – at times even mourning. Urban storefronts signify far more than points of purchase. They serve as centers of social and cultural life, economic opportunity, and are the foundation of thriving urban neighborhoods. Shifting far more rapidly than urban structure and form itself, storefronts are excellent if ephemeral barometers of the vitality of their surroundings, predicting and perpetuating growth or decline.
Is the demise of traditional storefront retail, then, inevitable? And if so, what will the streets left behind become? This edited volume brings together authors who explore the topic from multiple angles.
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Urban Retail Predicament Conrad Kickert and Emily Talen
Retail Trends and Transformations
The Life and Death of Retail: Insights from Firm Demography, Luc Anselin and Irene Farah
The Ups and Downs of Retail, 2000 – 2015, Kevin Credit, Irene Farah and Luc Anselin
Commercial Gentrification: What Happens to Businesses and Services when the Neighborhood Changes? Rachel Meltzer
The Case of E-Commerce
Bricks and Clicks, Liz Mack
The Changing Demand for Urban Retail Space: Evidence from Canada, Christopher Daniel and Tony Hernandez
Online Sales and the British Urban Retail Hierarchy, Colin Jones
The Survival of Mom-and-Pops
Small Business Survival: How and Why? Vikas Mehta
The Enduring Optimism of the Mom and Pop Store, Emily Talen
What’s In A Chain?: On Hipness, Corporate Stores, and False Dichotomies in Urban Life, Jeffrey Nathaniel Parker
Retail, Place, and Place-making
Retail Scenes, Hyesun Jeong and Terry Clark
The Urban Morphology of Main Street, Rosa Danenberg
Retail in the Mix, Matthew Carmona
Toward Solutions
Curating Main Streets: The Factors of Success, Michael W. Mehaffy and Tigran Haas
The Spatial Logic of Urban Retail, Conrad Kickert
The Future of American Urban Retail Real Estate, Heather Arnold
Conclusion: Urban Retail Redefined Conrad Kickert and Emily Talen